
poor baby

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie welcomed healthy twins on Saturday night at Fondation Lenval hospital in Nice, France–a boy named Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt and a girl named Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt.

Vivienne is the French form of Vivian, which reflects her place of birth. Her middle name was chosen as a nod to her late grandmother, Marcheline Bertrand (Angelina’s mother who lost a battle with ovarian cancer). Knox was the middle name of Brad’s maternal grandfather (His mom was James Etta Hillhouse, her father was Hal Knox Hillhouse). Leon is the name of Angelina’s great-great grandfather. (Sumber: justjared.com)

Ok, we get it, Jolie and Pitt selalu menginginkan nama paling keren buat anak-anak mereka (remember Maddox Chivan? Pax Thien? God knows where they got the names from), but this time, ketika kita mendengar nama "Knox", we couldn't help thinking about that old joke ( dengan sedikit modifikasi, secara hari gini anak kecil kan udah pinter).

The (imaginary) conversation between the kids would go like this.

Kid #1: KNOX KNOX!!

Kid #2: Who' there?!!

Kid #1: Orange.

Kid#2: Orange who??! *giggles*

Kid #1: Orange u ashamed of your own name? *LMAO* (FYI: LMAO stands for Laughing MY Ass off. Kita juga baru ngegoogle itu kok)

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