Madonna's publicist is claiming the pictures of Madonna looking like shit were doctored. She says Madonna was looking as radiant as ever just days before. "People" magazine reports:
"I just think the photographer got a bad shot of her or it was touched up to make her look bad," says her rep Liz Rosenberg. "I saw Madonna two days before at her rehearsal and she looked amazing – glowing skin and working really hard on her show." (sumber: The Superficial)
*Sigh* Okay, we admit that we've been a bit too harsh on you, grandm.. we mean, Madonna. So, considering that fasting month is about to start, we offer a sincere and heartfelt apology for the picture we have posted, and presents her with the original, no touched-up ones that show Madonna in all her glory. We could only hope that other people we've hurt could forgive us as well. Now, if you see our fat.. err, "thick" college friend, we'd also like to tell her we're deeply sorry for saying that we got pale skin because her giant ass kept blocking the sun everytime we went out together. Huh...? Really? She's now in a psych ward?