

Highly recommended

For our loyal Bitchtalker reader who is looking for a good time bitching about life in general, we totally recommended you guys to watch program TV called Dahsyat on RCTI every freakin day from 9 to 11 A.M.

Since we’re 21 something unambitious, no career, with no plans for the future what so ever lazy bitches on the quest to finish our skripsi this means holiday alias nganggur everyday.

With nothing to do with our life, what seems better than flippin through channels (trust me it’s not that much of a channel) and watch our sucky local television program, suddenly we stumble upon this what seems to be life changing television program called Dahsyat and ever since that first encounter, how do we say this delicately…we’re hooked!! Seriously if you guys haven’t watch it please, go ahead take a little peak, guaranteed it’s an addiction, you can’t deny it (haluu G, yes I’m talking to you :P). We don’t even have to set the alarm anymore to catch it (please bitches 9 A.M it’s early, don’t be so judgmental), as we’re saying we don’t need an alarm anymore cause we’re automatically wake up every time the show it’s about to begin (and fall back again to sleep near the end of the show).

After being an avid watcher for quite sometime now, we finally can figure out what the main attraction of the show that capture both our eyes and our heart:

Luna Maya is one of the Dahsyat presenter, Luna Maya used to be hot, we used to think that she is hot, after watching that show we still can’t believe that the same Luna Maya we love and adore, well we’re always know that she is stoopid but at least all she did back then it’s just to shut up, smile and look pretty, but on this show….wow…get ready for the whole new Luna Maya, the other side that you don’t even know existed, the other side that will do her muuuuch better if that side doesn’t existed . I mean come on don’t she have a manager, an image maker or someone sane to try to talk her out acting crazy like that… we’ve seen her on Extravaganza, it was okaaay (okay it’s not okaaay, it’s lame) but on Dahsyat…she is too crazy…not crazy funny but crazy crazy like who the hell let that chick out of mental hospital crazy (we’re probably over reacted) anyway…we keep waiting, waiting and waiting (this mean we have to religiously watch the show everyday) is this some kind of a sick joke, come on Luna Maya can be that pukingly kampungan, but nope as the day goes by, we don’t see any sign of hot old Luna Maya all that left was there is Luna Maya the aspired dangdut singer with her ‘famous’ goyang geol move, who like piggy back ride…and have an unhealthy obsession over Peterpan vocalist, which is in our opinion more awesome then the hot old, shut up and look pretty Luna Maya.

The two other tuyuls Olga and Rafi Ahmad that hosting the show with Luna Maya ain't so bad either, their tackiness almost unbearable to watch, but lucky for us Bitchtalker the more (kampungan) the merrier ;p

Honest to blog we’re not making this up, it’s true go ahead and watch Dahsyat, fantastic show ever…fabulous!!

P.S Someone (you know who you are) must be strongly disagree with the whole Dahsyat watching things…huahahaha…I just had to wrote “WE” I don’t want you to feel left out darling.

Peace out :P

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