apl.de.ap from the Black Eyed Peas needs to take a cue from his songs and learn when to "Shut Up" -- especially when he's throwing the G-bomb around.
When asked about Ricky Martin's in vitro twins and the Claby, the Pea's eloquent response was "that's gay" -- but literally seconds after he dropped the statement, the furious backtracking began! His assistant wanted us to "edit that part out." (Watch the vid here)
(In related news, Ricky Martin is now the father of twin boys, his publicist announced on Wednesday.
The children were had via a surrogate mother, and the boys were born a few weeks ago, according to his reps.
Clay Aiken also artificially inseminated his much older best friend and welcomed the baby on August 8.)To be in a more serious note, we BitchTalkers do agree that this guy should really shut the hell up. Harre genneee masih homophobic? Let's take a look at his picture above and we're absolutely sure that y'all would rather sleep with a hundred gay guys than with a straight man who takes fashion cues from a homeless version of Michael Jackson. Besides, gays are hot. Ricky Martin is. Also..

We'd like to take our words back.
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