Megan Fox says that she is almost always friends with guys.
“I actually only had one female friend growing up,” said Fox, who was busy screening her new movie “Jennifer’s Body” at Comic-Con on July 23.
“Most of my friends were boys. I was such a tomboy. I always enjoyed doing guy things. So I really didn’t get along with the girls in that aspect,” she adds.
The 23-year-old also finally cleaned up the rumors about turning down a role in the next James Bond film.
“The report about Megan Fox turning down a Bond movie is completely not true,” her rep said. “There have been no discussions nor any offers. Megan is a fan of the Bond movies.
Nice try, Megan. How about admitting that you were actually born a guy, huh? After all, rumors about it have been all over the Internet for quite some time. That's why you stick with that Beverly Hills 90210 has-been Brian Austin Green, because he's the only one who accepts your dark past whereas other guys jumped out the window after seeing your "fox", if you know what we mean. *wink wink*
And how can there be any discussion about offering her a role in a Bond movie? Bond movies require REAL women with perfect bodies, you know, flawless. Have you readers payed any attention to her fingers? Now take a close look at her thumb.

We hear that it's called a clubbed thumb. Whatever. In BitchTalker's world, we call it spatula.
You wanna know who else is also a tranny?

Grab the crotch, honey. Grab it like it's hot.
P.S: Please tell us Megan Fox was really a man. Women can't possibly look THAT good! ='(